Someone with diabetes would say there is absolutely nothing positive about Diabetes. So why call it so? It’s because of my passion regarding diabetes, I cannot help the enthusiasm I have for the subject.
Key facts about Diabetes:
• It’s about people.
• It’s about balance.
• It’s about a healthy lifestyle.
So what makes people living with diabetes different from everyone else? They have been labelled, classified Type 1 or Type 2? Identified by their Insulin, medication or diet?
What most do not realise is that they have the power like everyone in the world to turn their lives around.
• It’s hard work.
• Takes dedication.
• You need a passion for your life!
• You are lucky!
• Now you definitely think I am Nuts!
you have your own army of caretakers – a multidisciplined team of Health Care Professionals:
• Practice Nurse
• GP
• Clerical workers
• Pharmacist
• Biochemist
• Podiatrist
• Dietician
• Ophthalmology
• Hospital Diabetes Team
• Diabetes Specialist Nurse
• Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist
• The greater extended Specialist departments of secondary care, plus you will have your own caretakers as in family, friends, and carers.
Those living with diabetes who have also accepted the fact by taking up the gauntlet of taking control of their life with diabetes will have realised that their diabetes is as individual as they are.
No one will understand the effect your own diabetes has or the response your body has to food, exercise and medication better than you do!
This is probably why I am Positive about Diabetes because it allows me, as part of an extended team, an opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise to support and motivate others to care for themselves.