The Diabetes Lady helping you turn your life with diabetes around

 Diabetes Around The Table

Home or Abroad

(English Speaking)

Diabetes Around the Table (English speaking) sessions are Virtual Group Sessions aimed at those who live here in the UK or Abroad for work, retirement

or just because....

I have lived and worked abroad and know how daunting it is when trying to get answers from someone back home. 

Diabetes Around the Table is for  Coaching, Education and Support, to help make it cost effective, and to be a learning session led by yourselves living with diabetes.  I will answer those worries or concerns, talk to you in a way that is not patronizing but in plain English.

I like to talk to people honestly, down to earth and sometimes a little direct, no disrespect intended but I have worked within Diabetes for more than 30 years and I like people to say it as it is. So I can take the information and utilise it to fit into your life.

I am looking for those, who every now and again need hand holding and explanations as to what is going on with their Diabetes.

  • Within in these sessions, topics may come to the surface that requires me to go into a little more detail.
  • It maybe that there is so much interest that I may need to split the sessions into Groups
  • If you are happy with this, I am happy to see how this develops

I am suggesting a 90 minute session limited to 30 people to start at £25 per person

(will be exchanged accordingly)

You can book via Social Media links or directly through

 Need to know than please contact me via email:

Book a Diabetes Around The Table Session

 To book your place on our monthly Virtual Diabetes Around The Table for Home or Abroad

(English Speaking)

  • Plan is for regular monthly sessions
  • Will be advertised via Social Media you will be able to book your ticket and place via
  • Aiming for 30 participants

- please see website terms and conditions as well as those specifically for booking through ''

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