The Diabetes Lady helping you turn your life with diabetes around

Busy two weeks…

Maureen Chadwick

I attended and spoke at Swrajit Sarkars first ‘Living with Diabetes’ event.

 A very successful event, Swrajit with an alliance with UCLan are planning to make this an annual event on behalf of the ‘Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation’. There was a lot of interest via my website as in email inquiries.

I will be promote the Event via my site, next year nearer the time.

 The previous day I appeared in the Lancashire Evening Post, Practice Management Magazine had asked for an article and it was suggested I sent it to all the Press contacts I have, and so gaining my 15 minutes of fame.

 From this Press Release, I was invited to speak on BBC Radio Lancashire, and I did that yesterday, on The Morning Show. I sound like a runaway train only accessible via BBC iplayer for the next 6 days.

 The link lasts for about 6 minutes in all.

 BBC Lancashire
 As well as promoting myself and the business, I had the great privilege to attend a lecture given by Professor Bryan Frier, regarding ‘Hypoglycaemia’ (low blood sugars) at Ewood Park, Blackburn last Thursday, I have to admit to being in seventh heaven and as usual, came away with my head buzzing.

The loveliest of knock-on events from my “fame”, has been coming into contact with previous patients. One lady rang my office and the other wrote a small testimonial on my ABC blog. People are very kind and it is appreciated.

 I have also realised a few areas of updates which I can write more about, the importance of foot care, understanding eye terminology, ‘hypo’s, driving and the DVLA’.

At the moment it is all swirling in my head but I promise to be more regular on my blog.

Take care until next time

By Maureen Chadwick June 26, 2024
Follow on from my LinkedIn Article
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