The Diabetes Lady helping you turn your life with diabetes around

Bespoke Fertility - Diabetes Lady JM


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Product Details

MYFORM, is the only test available in the UK which analyses if your hormones are fluctuating in the expected pattern throughout your entire menstrual cycle. Unlike standard tests which give women a result for a single day, MYFORM gives women unrivalled insight into their personal hormone variations over their individual cycle. Ideal for women who are not on hormonal contraception or HRT and want to check for hormone imbalance, fertility, and hormone-related conditions.

4 biomarkers

  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  • Luteinising Hormone (LH)
  • Oestradiol (Oestrogen)
  • Progesterone

Make sure you BOOK your date and time for your blood test before you choose. Needs to be a week in advance.

Cost: £179.00

The cost includes the test, the taking of blood and the results

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