The Diabetes Lady helping you turn your life with diabetes around

Bespoke Fertility - Diabetes Lady JM


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Product Details

Checking for Vitamins D, B12 plus Ferritin the same as 'Tiredness & Fatigue test', but this includes additional biomarkers for a more comprehensive analysis for the reasons for low energy. In this test thyroid, liver & kidney function, magnesium, full blood count, with checks for *pre-diabetes and inflammation.

Make sure you BOOK your date and time for your blood test before you choose. Needs to be a week in advance.

Altogether 24 Biomarkers

* Active B12

* Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)

* Albumin

* Alkaline Phosphate (ALP)

* Cortisol (9am)

* Creatinine

* eGFR

* Ferritin

* Folate (serum)

* Gamma GT

* Globulin

* Haemoglobin

* HbA1c

* hs-CRP

* Magnesium (serum)

* Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)

* Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

* Thyroxine (T4, free direct)

* Total Protein

* Triiodothyronine (T3, free)

* Urea

* Uric Acid

* Vitamin D (25 OH)

* White Blood Cell Count (WBC)

The cost includes the test, the taking of blood and the results

*Be aware if 1st test indicating Pre-diabetes , in line with diabetes guidance a repeat HbA1c will need repeating

Cost - £187.00

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